About Me

Hertfordshire, UK
I am a very lucky Mum to two beautiful daughters, known here as Moomin and Gremlin. My second gorgeous girl, Gremlin (above), has PKU (Phenylketonuria) and has introduced us to a whole new world! This blog is intended to record our journey with regards it, particularly focusing on food and eating.

Thursday 9 September 2010

A new breakfast

We are stuck in a bit of a rut with breakfast. Gremlin can eat measured quantities of lots of regular breakfast cereals, but they are quite a lot of volume for her to manage at the moment. She eats some, then struggles with the rest so it becomes a bit of a battle for me to get it all in. She's been having 28g (2 exchanges) of Farley's Rusks with some of her PKU Milk for as long as I can remember. I sometimes add in an Ella's kitchen breakfast pouch (80ish grams= 2 exchanges)but they are 99p a pop so not very often!

The other day I discovered Plum's Baby Muesli. 15g of this bad boy with some PKU Milk is equivalent to 2 exchanges. It is very textured, so she enjoys chewing and munching on it and looks pretty tasty to me too. It does state 12months+ but as she is 1 next month (Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? How did that happen?) we thought we'd give it a try. She loves it, and we can start to move away from the trusty rusks without breaking the bank, much!

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