About Me

Hertfordshire, UK
I am a very lucky Mum to two beautiful daughters, known here as Moomin and Gremlin. My second gorgeous girl, Gremlin (above), has PKU (Phenylketonuria) and has introduced us to a whole new world! This blog is intended to record our journey with regards it, particularly focusing on food and eating.

Wednesday 30 June 2010


We were back at GOSH today for our Stage 3 weaning chat, but also got Stage 4 thrown in for good measure! BOGOF if you like!

I am going to blow my own trumpet, which is not like me but I am very very happy, as the reason for the BOGOF is due to how well Gremlin has done thus far. Much of today's chat should have been about protein free finger food, which (avid readers) you will already know we have been doing all by ourselves for quite some time! We're even onto protein providing ones, so the dieticians were really pleased. They had a live demonstration as we ran out of time to eat lunch before our appointment, so Gremlin noshed down some gel, lasagne (2 exchanges), veg curry (protein free) and cucumber sticks whilst we were there, with no fuss whatsoever. She really is a superstar.

I've now got more protein providing foods to add to our range, and prescriptions ready to hand in to the doctor's tomorrow to allow me access to bread, pasta, desserts and cake mix for Gremlin. Woohoo. I'm really excited to be able to offer her some more variety. Importantly (after today's epic journey involving cancelled and diverted trains and crazy heat) we do not have to go back to GOSH now until she is 1.


p.s I am hugely relieved that Jacky confirmed that chopped tomatoes and passata are 'free', as my new PKUrecipes friend suggested, despite saying 1g per 100g. Some items are measured by the NSPKU on the actual phenylalanine levels, rather than just protein. So the tinned tomatoes protein is ok protein for Gremlin. Easy life!

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