About Me

Hertfordshire, UK
I am a very lucky Mum to two beautiful daughters, known here as Moomin and Gremlin. My second gorgeous girl, Gremlin (above), has PKU (Phenylketonuria) and has introduced us to a whole new world! This blog is intended to record our journey with regards it, particularly focusing on food and eating.

Thursday 17 June 2010

PKU Chilli! Yippeeeee!

Lots to report on tonight!

Firstly, inspired by all the other PKU babies we know (2 in total!) who take it plain, Gremlin had 2 sachets of gel today without our trusty Nesquik. When we last tried it plain 2 months ago, she wasn't having any of it. Today though she took it with no qualms whatsoever. What has changed? No idea, perhaps Michelle the dieticians theory about taste buds changing holds up. Anyway, it makes life much easier and is one less thing to have to remember when we are out and about.

Secondly, Gremlin ate her first proper PKU meal type exchange. I chanced upon a tremendous website: http://www.pkurecipes.com/ and thought I would give the Chilli Sin Carne a go. I love chilli, so was really pleased to find I could make a version for Gremlin. I calmed down the heat for her and just used paprika and oregano, as well as only 50g of chopped tomatoes (which worked out to 0.5g of protein as I do not still understand why tomatoes are protein free fresh but appear to have 1.0g protein per 100g when tinned or in passata) then bulked up with more water. It smelled great. Then I think I did something a bit silly and chickened out of adding rice for protein (fearing 45g (1 exchange) would be too much volume for her) and instead added 25g spinach (1 exchange) and 18g petit pois (1 exchange) both of which I happened to have in my freezer. I whizzed it up a bit but kept in lots of lumps. It still smelled great but didn't really resemble chilli anymore! I weighed it (128g) and halved it to make it 2 lots of 1 exchange. Gremlin wolfed it down! In fact it was a big hit two days in a row! I will make it again next week and be brave and use rice. Thank you so much to PKU Recipes for fantastic inspiration!

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