About Me

Hertfordshire, UK
I am a very lucky Mum to two beautiful daughters, known here as Moomin and Gremlin. My second gorgeous girl, Gremlin (above), has PKU (Phenylketonuria) and has introduced us to a whole new world! This blog is intended to record our journey with regards it, particularly focusing on food and eating.

Thursday 6 May 2010

By hook or by crook

I've been tearing my hair out a bit.

Gremlin has refused to finish every 'protein' meal since Monday, and has been angry and shouty throughout meals. Moomin has been playing up at mealtimes a bit too due to all the attention Gremlin has been getting.

Daddymin says, "Don't Worry", but I do. A LOT.

With a lot of cajoling, stealth spoons as she opens her mouth for a sip of water, trains, planes and automobiles landing at the airport and going in the tunnel combined with maths and exchange swaps throughout the day we manage to get 2 exhanges into Gremlin every day. But by goodness it is hard work, and I spend most of most days worrying about how to achieve it. I think the biggest problem is that Gremlin wants to actively participate in her food and wants to do things for herself. She's very happy when she can pick up her Tommee Tippee cup and drink some water herself.

I know I shouldn't but I keep thinking back to weaning Moomin and how lovely it was when it just didn't matter what or how much she ate. She could just play with food- some went in and a lot went on the floor. Gremlin must eat very precise amounts so I can't just hand her the spoon to have a go herself but an empty spoon just doesn't seem to cut it for Gremlin. She's also really bored of ripe banana and pear to gnaw on herself.

I am really looking forward to our appointment at GOSH on Wednesday to learn about some other foods I can give Gremlin and hoping things improve.

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