About Me

Hertfordshire, UK
I am a very lucky Mum to two beautiful daughters, known here as Moomin and Gremlin. My second gorgeous girl, Gremlin (above), has PKU (Phenylketonuria) and has introduced us to a whole new world! This blog is intended to record our journey with regards it, particularly focusing on food and eating.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

The Battle Of Sweet Tooth

Mealtimes have slowly deteriorated further. She is screaming before getting into her highchair and every protein meal is resulting in 3 or 4 alternatives and then juggling exchanges throughout the day when she doesn't finish them. Yesterday, at a dear friend's house for lunch, she pulled out a new trick where she down right refused an exchange she'd really enjoyed the day before. I'm finding it really hard, so I'm excited to be heading back to Great Ormond Street for the Stage 2 weaning chat.

We are supplied with lists of further 'free' foods including all kinds of fruit and vegetables I've never heard of. Bilberry, mangosteen, medlar or mooli anyone? Sounds more like a 'Round the Horn' skit from Rambling Syd Rumpo to me and I'm not sure where I'd find such things in our pocket of white van man Hertfordshire. Still, I think I've got a new mission. We can also increase the foods we are offering her with protein in. Although we will be jumping ahead, Michelle hears the somewhat desperate tone in my voice and says that milk (30mls = 1 exchange) and yogurt (unknown amount) could be ways to get protein into her and appease her sweet tooth. Snack exchanges such as rusks could also help and can be introduced now.

We also agree to drop Gremlin's 11 o'clock and 3 o'clock bottles. She has not really been interested in either since we've started weaning and is now not finishing her regular formula (protein supplying) ones. Instead we will up to 4 exchanges a day, and 3 sachets of PKU Gel.

Michelle points out that she is probably picking up on my stress. I know this but have no idea how to improve things on that count. I am undeniably stressed. In addition, and Daddymin will tell me off for expressing it in this way, there is a comment about her weight. Gremlin has piled on the weight since she was last weighed and jumped a whole centile. Because Gremlin is not yet mobile, all the additional calories from the carbohydrate heavy non-protein foods are showing. This should just drop off once she starts moving. In the meantime though, it is just another thing for me to worry about.

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